Nitrogen Generators

6 Reasons to Ditch Gas Cylinders Bottles for Onsite Nitrogen Generators

May 20, 2024

When it comes to meeting the demand for nitrogen, businesses have a fundamental choice: onsite nitrogen generators or traditional nitrogen cylinders. This decision can significantly impact both the bottom line and the smooth operation of a company.

If your operations heavily rely on nitrogen or require a constant demand, switching to an onsite nitrogen generator is the most beneficial option. The benefits of nitrogen generators over gas cylinders include cost savings and a fast ROI with more control and flexibility over your nitrogen supply. Onsite nitrogen generation also enhances workplace safety and improves your sustainability credentials.

Here are our top six reasons to install an onsite nitrogen generator today:

1. Cost Effective: The cost per cubic meter of nitrogen gas is significantly cheaper with a nitrogen generator compared to gas cylinders or tanks. Using cylinder nitrogen means you are often locked into expensive contracts. We often see a 75-80% reduction in operating costs associated with nitrogen supply. Furthermore, you eliminate all unnecessary expenses associated with outsourcing your nitrogen supply, such as delivery charges, ordering administration and tank rentals. With one of our gas generation systems, you are not paying for lost oxygen or nitrogen gas during transportation and storage or levels you do not require.

2. Return on Investment: ROI with a nitrogen generator can often be achieved within 1-2 years of installation with Gas Generation Australia systems.

3. Control Over Your Supply:  Generating nitrogen onsite gives you complete control over your nitrogen supply. Doing so eliminates the need for external suppliers and protects you from any effects of supply chain disruptions. Disruptions in the supply chain, such as delivery delays or sudden price fluctuations, can adversely impact operations. Onsite nitrogen production ensures a reliable and independent gas supply, ensuring consistent productivity and avoiding downtime.

4. Flexibility with Tailored Purity and Volume: Onsite nitrogen generation allows you to tailor nitrogen purity and volume based on specific requirements. Different industries have unique needs, and the ability to adjust your nitrogen supply not only provides cost efficiencies but optimal performance for different applications. Whether it's food-grade nitrogen for packaging or to optimise cutting quality for lasers, an onsite nitrogen generator provides the flexibility to cater for diverse demands.

5. Safety: Nitrogen generators are inherently safer than gas cylinders and deliver complete protection against combustible gas storage. Gas cylinders store a large volume of gas at high pressure, which poses safety risks when transporting and handling cylinders that can cause serious, and sometimes fatal, injury or damage. Gas generators operate at low pressures and volumes, reducing these safety hazards.

6. Sustainability: Onsite gas production promotes sustainability and can help reduce your carbon footprint. By eliminating the transportation and logistics associated with nitrogen gas cylinders, businesses can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, you can eliminate greenhouse gas emissions associated with your nitrogen supply if you have access to localised green energy.

Onsite nitrogen production offers many benefits compared to traditional gas cylinders. Our nitrogen generators provide an on-demand gas supply, customised to your exact volume and purity requirements. It has never been easier to start generating nitrogen gas.

Our technology is safe and reliable, helping you maximise output, lower costs and reduce downtime. Contact us today to kick off your onsite nitrogen generation journey today.


About Gas Generation Australia

Gas Generation Australia offers innovative onsite gas generation solutions to the Australian industry and manufacturing. From packaged modular systems to custom-designed solutions, Gas Generation Australia provides an autonomous nitrogen or oxygen supply, where and when you need it most. Our wide range of PSA or membrane generators deliver optimal purity and reliable production volume.

Gas Generation Australia is a proud member of The Crommelin Group.




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